5 de outubro de 2007

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A Rhoda C. Sommers publicou, em 1997, um artigo chamado "The Quilting Bee: A Research Metaphor" no The Qualitative Report, Volume 3, Number 4. Escreveu:

This paper uses the art of quilting as a metaphor for the research process. Two very different stories are revealed by Amish women at a quilting bee as they explore their purposes, thoughts, and experiences in producing their first quilts. The metaphor is used to contrast the goals, involvement of the researcher, and descriptions utilized by qualitative and quantitative researchers. The tales of these Amish women both contribute to an understanding of the art of quilting just as both qualitative and quantitative researchers have contributions to make to the field of education.
A Reshma resumiu as ideias assim:

Qual Research

Full of colors and shades and layers
Reflecting personalities
Life Like
Something that has a mind of its own
Capable of changing its course mid way
Encourages deviations or a creative approach

Quant Research

Full of patterns
Reflecting facts
Also art, but not free hand…
more like an engineered art

Não gosto particularmente da distinção qualitativo/quantitativo, tratando-se de "etiquetas" que já perderam qualquer significado tanto pela utilização abusiva que se fez/faz delas como pela forma como encaramos o mundo e as formas de o conhecer hoje em dia, mas gostei da distinção entre os modos de perspectivar a produção do conhecimento.

Experienciado por Maria @ 7:47 da tarde

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