26 de setembro de 2008

Call for papers sobre reflexividade para a Action in Teacher Education

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Research on Teacher Reflectivity: The Impact on Teaching and Learning
*Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2009*

Editor: Edward G. Pultorak, Ph.D.

*Manuscripts should be received by January 15, 2009*

Many teacher education programs have a teacher reflection component
and/or model. Yet, the literature provides very little information
regarding the impact of reflection on teacher performance, teacher
retention, and student learning. The goal of this special issue of
Action is to provide *greater clarity about the particular kinds of
reflection that matter* and avoid talking about teacher reflection
generically, which implies that all kinds of reflection are of equal
value. Manuscripts are requested that offer information regarding the
impact of teacher reflectivity on (1) teacher performance, (2) teacher
retention, (3) student learning and (4) other important aspects of
teaching, learning and teacher education. We are particularly interested
in research-based articles related to this topic and will also consider
research syntheses, theory to practice articles, etc. After an initial
review by the editor, manuscripts that meet specifications will be blind

Manuscripts that address questions similar (but not limited) to those
listed below are encouraged.

(a) Which types of reflectivity activities are most helpful? Do written
reflections have a different effect than verbal reflections (as in
conferencing questions)?

(b) Does teacher reflectivity have a long term effect? For example, are
individuals who graduate from teacher education programs that promote
teacher reflectivity more likely to stay in teaching after their first
year of teaching than those who do not?

(c) Does the preparation of Cooperating Teachers and University
Supervisors concerning teacher reflectivity make a difference? Is there
a significant difference in effectiveness between those educated in
various ways to foster teacher reflectivity in novice teachers?

(d) Does guidance from University and/or School Supervisors (mentor
etc.) help? For example, are preservice teachers more likely to reflect
over important issues if comments are provided (written or verbal) as
part of the reflection?

(e) How much time should be spent in reflection? Is there a significant
difference in effectiveness depending upon the amount of time spent in
reflection? Is there an optimum amount of time and at what point does
the value diminish?

(f) Does teacher reflection matter for student growth and achievement?
Is it possible to document links between teacher preparation programs
that encourage teacher reflection and gains in student outcomes?

(g) What is the perception of the international community regarding the
impact of teacher reflectivity on teacher performance, teacher
retention, student learning and other important aspects of teaching,
learning and teacher education?

*Manuscript Submission*
Submissions must be completed papers (not previously published) and
should not exceed 25 pages (including references and appendices, double
spaced, 12 pt. Times Roman font, 1² margins). The editor requests that
pages be numbered. Tables, charts, figures, illustrations should be kept
to a minimum and placed at the end of the text with each on a separate
page. Authors should follow APA fifth edition guidelines (2001).
Notification of the status of manuscripts will take place after the
submission deadline. The journal editor reserves the right to make
editorial changes.

*Include the following in your submission:*

1. Cover page: Title of manuscript and complete contact information for
ALL authors name, institutional affiliation, mailing address, e-mail,
fax and phone (office & home) numbers.
2. Author(s) biographical sketch (50 words max). Include your name,
title, department, institution, and a brief description of your current
research interests and publications.
3. *Two* paper copies of abstract (100 - 150 words) *and* complete
4. One self-addressed stamped envelope.
5. An electronic version of the requested information (on CD or 3.5²
diskette in MS Word or WordPerfect, pc preferred) in three separate
files: (a) cover page, (b) biographical sketch, (c) abstract *and*
manuscript (prepared for blind review). Provide author name(s),
manuscript title, and word processing program on the disk label. Paper
manuscript or electronic media will not be returned.

Note: Submission from outside the United States, if necessary, can be
emailed (pultorak@siu.edu) as MS Word or WordPerfect attachments as
described above. Subject line in email should read Manuscript for Action.

*Submit materials to:*

Ed Pultorak, Ph.D., Guest Editor
Action in Teacher Education
911 Donnie Ct.
Joliet, IL 60435-4443


Experienciado por Maria @ 10:18 da manhã

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