7 de abril de 2009

Congratulations! Your contribution has been accepted for presentation at ECER 2009.

ID: 1052  
Title of Proposal: Teachers' Knowledge and Professionalism: the Weakest Link or a Way to a Stronger Professional Claim? (joint with NW1 and NW27)
Handed in to NW: `10. Teacher Education Research` Result: Accepted

Evaluation of the contribution
Recommendation: 10 – Accept

Comments for the authors
Interesting and well presented abstract for a symposium. Meets all criteria for a symposium. An important issue to adress across all layers of teacher profesionalization from pre-service teachers to teacher educators.
This symposium proposal provides a critical analysis of a strong common theme (teachers’ professional knowledge) relevant for teacher educators. Paper objectives are mainly clear, specific, and thoughtful.
This well-crafted joint proposal can help advance international debate about an unresolved issue. I believe it correctly targets the three networks involved.
Very interesting and relevant. I recommend accept.
This is a very strong and relevant contribution.

ID: 1686
Title of Proposal: Portraits of the Future Drawn by Children or the (Un)sustainable Relationship Between Man and Environment from Children's Point of View
Handed in to NW: `25. Research on Children's Rights in Education` Result: Accepted

Evaluation of the contribution
Recommendation: 10 – Accept

Comments for the authors
Interesting research with relevance for research on children's rights in education.


e assim se insufla um ego...

Experienciado por Maria @ 1:24 da tarde

2 Comentarios:

At terça-feira, abril 07, 2009 11:52:00 da tarde, Anonymous Anónimo disse...

... parabéns... até porque, mesmo com o ego ensuflado, não deixas de ser quem és/eras... beijinhos

At quarta-feira, abril 15, 2009 4:37:00 da tarde, Anonymous tichinha disse...

será que poderiamos esperar outra coisa?
estou "profundamente" orgulhosa de ti


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