Zeichner na Bera
em setembro decorreu a conferência da Bera. a conferência de encerramento esteve a cargo de.... Ken Zeichner!! (uau...)Saturday 6 September 11.00-12.00
‘Interactions: academic and practitioner research’
Ken Zeichner, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Ken Zeichner is Hoefs-Bascom Professor of Teacher Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the U.S. His research is concerned with issues of teacher education and teacher professional development and with practitioner research on teaching and teacher education. His extensive writings include books on action research and social justice, reflective teaching and teacher education programmes as sites for teacher education. Ken’s presentation will focus on practitioner research and university academic research and the wisdom and lack of wisdom in trying to more effectively bridge these worlds. He will argue that the lack of interaction of these worlds leads to difficulties for research. He will explore the advantages and drawbacks of different ways in which academics can come together with teachers around educational research. He is particularly interested in exploring the value of “third space” theory in conceptualizing a space where the worlds of academic and teacher research can be joined for the benefit of both academics and teachers and most importantly for the benefit of pupils in schools.
no site da Bera surgiu agora a notícia de que estão disponíveis as notas do ex.mo e distintíssimo professor juntamente com a apresentação. é aproveitar a sabedoria, a experiência, a visão...Experienciado por Maria @ 12:14 da manhã
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