6 de janeiro de 2008

One Laptop per Child

(foto retirada daqui)

Na minha/nossa participação no colóquio das Jibóias, incluímos a iniciativa de Negroponte "One Laptop per Child" pela sua importância para a discussão de conceitos como o digital divide, digital natives, participation culture, entre outros. tenho acompanhado as críticas que lhe são feitas e os esforços rivais. não resisto a dar conta das notícias que surgiram no Guerrilla News sobre o assunto:

After years of criticizing the One Laptop Per Child programme, Intel partnered with the non-profit group to develop low-cost computers for children in third world countries who would otherwise, not be able to afford them. A noble cause, right?

Then, Intel sales reps went out to third world governments selling their Intel computers and dissing the One Laptop Per Child, non-profit computers. The differences between the non-profit computers and the Intel computers: the Intel computers are 75% more expensive. Add to that, the One Laptop Per Child, non-profit computers use open source and don’t have Intel’s Windows operating system.

After the Intel sales reps were publicly told to stop criticizing the non-profit computer (by their Intel bosses), the Intel sales reps got busted AGAIN. When one Intel rep lost a substantial sale to the One Laptop Per Child, non-profit computer, Intel canceled their relationship in a press conference without notifying the non-profit organization. Intel sent Nicolas Negroponte, the developer of this programme, an email to inform him, hours later.

link para a notícia do New York Times

também adorei ver finalmente uma foto do XO a ser utilizado!

Experienciado por Maria @ 7:39 da tarde

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